The Astrodome, Getting A New Perspective From The Air

The Astrodome in Houston, TX, Bukowsky18 March 22, 2009

One of the things we celebrate at VERTWORX is the unique perspectives that drones can provide. Aerial cinematography, when properly used, can make something old seem new again. The following is a great example of that.

We usually never pass up an opportunity to photograph the inside of the Astrodome. It’s probably the most-photographed building in the city.

But shoot it enough times and things will start to look the same. You’ve seen one photo looking straight up at the Dome’s roof, you’ve probably seen them all.

On Monday, a domecoming party will celebrate the historical landmark’s 53rd anniversary and its history. Ahead of Monday’s event, we decided to do something different.

Drone provides never-before-seen view inside the Astrodome

If you have a project that needs a unique, aerial perspective, then contact us today.


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