The Astrodome, Getting A New Perspective From The Air

The Astrodome in Houston, TX, Bukowsky18 March 22, 2009

One of the things we celebrate at VERTWORX is the unique perspectives that drones can provide. Aerial cinematography, when properly used, can make something old seem new again. The following is a great example of that. We usually never pass up an opportunity to photograph the inside of the Astrodome. It’s probably the most-photographed building […]

New Star Wars Battle Drones Are “Not a Toy,” But Still Look Fun

Propels Star Wars Drones, Credit: YouTube

For the Star War’s UAV fans out there, you are going to love the newest offering from Propel. Keep in mind, Propel wants to be clear, these are not toys. I find the “reverse propulsion” system to be quite interesting. Propel’s Star Wars Battle Drones, one of the major players at this year’s Force Friday […]

Aerial Photographer Denis Esakov Photographs Europe

Kremlin Moscow, Russia, Credit: Stock Photography

One of my favorite things about my drone is that it gives me new and unique perspectives on places I’ve visited many times; apparently, I’m in talented company, since photographer Denis Esakov enjoys the same. Denis captured aerial views of 70 different European metropolitan cities, his “fifth facades.” In a scene from Dead Poets Society, […]

Finding The Balance Between Imaging and Performance

Aerix DaVinci, Credit: YouTube

When searching for a consumer drone, you are often asked to compromise between your ability to capture and raw speed; most people end up with drones that favor capturing events, that’s why we’ve been seeing such rapid improvements in drone optics. Some people even end up with multiple drones. However, Aerix Drones thinks they have […]