Learn To Fly First, Then Become An Aerial Photographer
Today, the cost of drones has come down significantly; now you can purchase a DJI Spark, featuring the latest and great technology for just a few hundred dollars. However, just owning a drone isn’t enough. Once you own first drone, after learning how to safely operate your drone and earning your FAA Part 107 certification, […]
Getting The Most From “How To Fly a Quadcopter” Articles
Articles like “How to Fly a Quadcopter” from My First Drone are useful, but in my experience, it’s more effective to teach a skill like operating a UAS hands-on. Having an instructor available creates a real-time feedback loop for potential new pilots and this helps them move through their curriculum at a faster rate. That […]
A Drone Operators Guide To Handling Spectators
Flying your drone can garner the attention of spectators quickly. For most of us, this isn’t our goal. So how do you deal with your spectators? What is the best way to manage the situation? Ty Poland from FStoppers thinks he has the answer: I’m sure a lot of us drone people have been here […]
Aerial Photography On A Shoe-String (Or Kite) Budget
In Somerville, Massachusetts, Public Lab, a nonprofit that helps individuals and communities use low-cost technology to learn about their local environments, is bringing the cost aerial photography down. How? By attaching a lightweight digital camera to a kite, specifically the squid kite. The squid kite is part of a kit, offered by Public Lab, that let’s you […]
What Settings Should I Choose For Aerial Photography?
People commonly ask us what are the best settings for aerial photography? While the answer may vary based on a number of variables, I recently stumbled upon an interesting article aptly titled, “What Are the Best Settings for Drone Photography?,” that attempts to answer the age old question. In this article, I’m going to go […]